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2022 SC Brain Bee

Since 1999, the International Brain Bee has been the world's only competition that tests all things related to the brain for high school students.

Now South Carolina has our own regional competition - and you are invited to participate!


The SC Brain Bee is a local chapter affiliated with the International Brain Bee ( that will test competitors' knowledge of the brain and central nervous system through multiple fun & interactive quiz rounds! Participants will learn about and be tested on the brain in a written quiz, neuroanatomy identification quiz, patient diagnosis quiz, followed by a live Q&A round! UofSC scientists, professors and students will hold neuroscience demonstrations throughout the day so students learn all that they can about neuroscience at UofSC and beyond!


The local competition will take place on Saturday, March 19th, 2022 from 10am-5pm. 


The 2022 South Carolina Brain Bee will be held at the UofSC School of Medicine in Columbia, SC. 

2022 South Carolina Brain Bee Schedule: 

10:15 – 10:35 Welcome Remarks and Introductions
10:45 – 11:15 Written Quiz
11:15 – 12:00 Booths (see below for booths that will be                            at the SC Brain Bee!) 
12:00- 1:00     Lunch (on your own)
1:15 – 1:45      Neuroanatomy/neurohistology/brain                                   imaging
2:00 – 3:00      Patient Diagnosis
3:15 – 4:15      Live Q and A
4:30                 Awards and Conclusion

Mini-Neuroscience-Expo Booths:

Exploring Human Senses and Perceptions

Recording from Neurons

Brain Anatomy

Undergraduate Neuroscience Club Booth

Undergraduate Research Booth

Psychiatry Student Interest Group Booth (PSIG) - medical student      run booth

Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN) - medical student          run booth 

Meet a Psychiatrist Booth

We look forward to seeing you there!


Preparing for the Brain Bee

All material covered in the SC Brain Bee will be based on content from the Brain Facts book.

Additional resources can be found at these links:

We would like to voice our gratitude to the Dana Foundation for awarding a Brain Awareness Week grant to help fund neuroSC and the South Carolina Brain Bee! We are most appreciative for this funding to help bring neuroSC and Brain Bee to South Carolina for the very first time!  


south Carolina brain bee committee


Coordinator, South Carolina Brain Bee Chapter

Dr. Sarah Catherine "Kitty" Tryon

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of South Carolina School of Medicine

A native of Columbia, SC, Dr. Sarah (“Kitty”) Tryon grew up in the Palmetto State and pursued her Bachelor of Science degree from Furman University in Neuroscience (and German Studies).  After Furman, she earned a Fulbright Student Grant to Germany where she enjoyed teaching German high school students. It was during her time in Germany when she first became involved in the International Brain Bee, having assisted with the 2013 and 2014 German National Brain Bee competitions.  After her Fulbright, she returned to the U.S. to earn her PhD in Exercise Science from the University of South Carolina, where she founded the Graduate Association for Brain Awareness (GABA).  She is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Marlene Wilson's lab at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine in the Department of Pharmacology, Physiology & Neuroscience researching the neural mechanisms underlying fear and emotional disorders.  Having assisted with the 2014 International Brain Bee and the 2015 USA National Brain Bee, she is more than excited to bring neuroscience education and competition to South Carolina high school students through neuroSC and the South Carolina Brain Bee! Dr. Tryon is passionate about improving treatments and cures for brain diseases through neuroscience research and education outreach initiatives. It is her goal of motivating the next generation to become compassionate, exceptional leaders in neuroscience research and medicine through creating neuroscience outreach opportunities for South Carolina students that drives her outreach work!

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President, UofSC Undergraduate Neuroscience Club

Amanda Manea

Junior Undergraduate Student

University of South Carolina Honors College

About me


Interim-president, UofSC Undergraduate Neuroscience Club

Karinne Cobb

Undergraduate Student

University of South Carolina Honors College

Karinne Cobb is a junior at The University of South Carolina pursuing a degree in neuroscience. She has worked as an undergraduate research assistant in the McQuail lab at The UofSC School of Medicine since 2019 in the Department of Pharmacology, Physiology & Neuroscience. Her project focuses on memory loss and metabolic dysfunction in the aging brain. She has been and member of the undergraduate Neuroscience Club since 2019, and has served as an executive board member of the club since 2020. She has a strong passion for neuroscience and is excited to be a part of the South Carolina Brain Bee competition!

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Vice-president, UofSC Undergraduate Neuroscience Club

Jade Hannan

Undergraduate Student

University of South Carolina Honors College


About me

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President, Graduate Association for Brain Awareness (GABA)

Nicholas Maxwell

PhD Student

University of South Carolina Biomedical Sciences PhD Program


Nick Maxwell earned his bachelors from Roanoke College in Biology, then shortly thereafter began working as a lab manager and research assistant at a Neuroscience laboratory at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute. After three years in that position, he joined the Integrated Biomedical Sciences Program at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine to pursue his PhD in the Department of Pharmacology, Physiology and Neuroscience. Currently he is the President of the Graduate Association for Brain Awareness (GABA), and is thrilled to be working with the other Coordinators to bring neuroSC and the South Carolina Brain Bee to South Carolina.


Vice-President, Graduate Association for Brain Awareness (GABA)

Devin Kellis

MD-PhD Student

University of South Carolina Biomedical Sciences PhD Program

Devin Kellis is a third-year MD/PhD student in the Neuroscience Track of the Integrated Biomedical Sciences doctoral program at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Columbia. A native of Florence, SC, he previously completed his undergraduate studies in psychology and biology at Francis Marion University. With aspirations of becoming a psychiatrist-scientist, he currently studies the neurobiological basis of resilience to traumatic stress under the mentorship of Drs. Jim Fadel and Marlene Wilson. He currently serves as the Medical Student Liaison to the South Carolina Psychiatric Association (SCPA) and Vice President of the Graduate Association of Brain Awareness (GABA).​​

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