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Study neuroscience at UofSC. Learn more about the neuroscience minor and undergraduate research opportunities.


Neuroscience Minor

Interested in pursuing a neuroscience minor? Check out these resources to help you get started

Undergraduate Research

Looking to get involved with undergraduate research? Here are some resources to help you get started

UofSC Undergraduate Research

UofSC has plenty of resources for students who are interested in getting involved with undergraduate research. For more information, visist the website for undfergraduate research to learn more about getting started in research at UofSC.

Summer Research Opportunities

If you're looking to get research experience outside of UofSC, applying for one of the Research Experiences for Ungerdraduates (REU) is a great way to get paid research experience over the summer. Visit the REU website for more information about the available REUs next summer.


For more information about research fellowships, visit the Office of National Fellowships and Scholars Programs. They'll help you learn about the various fellowships that are available to undergrad students, and they'll even help you through the application process.

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